Merchandise Designed to Empower and Build a Legacy

Have you ever had a dream, but before starting, you talked yourself out of it because it was impossible or too big? Well, that is why I created the “Trust Yourself Campaign.” I’ve got a dream so big I was no longer okay with not going after it. I aim to create a legacy for my family and the people around me. A legacy that can live on for 100s of years to come when I am long gone from this planet. 

“Trust Yourself Campaign” is about trusting that you and I are more than enough and that we can achieve our hopes, goals, and dreams. Trust that God or the Universe (whatever you believe) gave us that dream for a reason. Trust that we can create the things that we desire. Trust that we have all the tools to achieve what is on our hearts. It’s about trusting that whatever we have gone through or are going through has a purpose and can be used for good if we choose. It's about TRUSTING YOURSELF. 

From this campaign, I will donate 10% of the profits to a non-profit of your choosing. Please email me at after you purchase to let me know what cause you'd like to support. 

Lastly, if you or someone you know has a cause you want to support through fundraising, please reach out to me at 

Part of this legacy is creating an opportunity for people to fundraise money for something they are passionate about. I’m committed to making this a win/win for everyone involved. 

NOTE: If you are part of the Klemmer community and would like to purchase a product to stay in integrity, please contact me directly first. Thank you.
When you purchase from any of the online stores below part of the proceeds will go to that specific cause. 

At Aspen's Angels we are all about healing and a happy healthy life for you! To achieve all that our hearts set out to do we must first become complete. Complete with the pain, the anger, & the hurt from the past. So we introduce to you our ENOUGH CAMPAIGN. Enough of not living in the present. Enough with the story and excuses holding you hostage. Enough unforgiveness and anger. It's time to remember that you can trust yourself enough to move forward. You have enough resources to accomplish everything you want. You are worthy, you are loved and YOU ARE ENOUGH! 

Every item you purchase makes contributions toward our grief outreach programs. So purchase some merch, support our programs and remember 

Maria & Jeff have been fostering children in the state of Montana for over 6  years. They are passionate about their family & being the change they wish to see in this world. They are currently in a legal battle to get one of their children back. Every item you purchase makes contribution to lawyer fees and continued services. Be a part of the change!